Fun & Cozy – The perfect way to end your day.
Spas can be built as an addition to your pool or they can act as stand-alone units. Tanning Ledges can be used in your backyard design to create fun splash areas or extra spaces to lounge and relax, as water-friendly patio furniture can be placed inside the ledge. Spas and Tanning Ledges can be installed flush with your pool or elevated so they spill over into the pool. Models that have built-in spillovers work well when you want to incorporate a spa or ledge elevated and spilling over into the pool, while non-spillover models work well for stand-alone or separated bodies of water.
Lengths, widths, and depths may vary up to 3%. Measurements are to widest point on each side of the outside edge. Spa & Tanning Ledge drawings are not to scale. All Spas and Tanning Ledges are non-diving.